Digital Inclusion:  “Since coming to the sessions I’m feeling bolder and more confident.”

At St Werburghs Community Centre, we want to empower residents to learn and develop, to connect with each other and to celebrate and thrive. One of our priorities is to increase digital and economic inclusion of the people in Ashley and adjacent wards.

Age is one of the biggest predictors of digital exclusion. Only 47% of those aged 75 and over use the internet regularly. This presents additional barriers to accessing the services and support they need to live well.

Our approach has always been to offer help ‘here and now’ so the place feels welcoming and people get the help they need.

Between January and December 2023 we were able to support older people to access digital support and improve their skills and wellbeing through our Easy PC and other Digital Inclusion services. These services were kindle supported by St Monica Trust and Nisbet Trust.

 “I look after my husband with Alzheimer’s, so I enjoy the friendship as well as learning. When I can no longer get out, I will hopefully be able to shop online, do banking and lots more.”

About our Digital Inclusion Services 

Easy PC one-to-one sessions for older people delivered on Mondays and Fridays, these are 45 minutes to 1 hour and clients can book multiple sessions to build their skills and confidence within a friendly and sociable setting. Topics covered include an introduction to computers, e-mail, social media, video calls, online news, and shopping, and internet security.

Easy PC group sessions themed and tailored to the needs of the participants. Also offering social interaction and opportunities for peer learning and making new friendships. These are designed to respond to the needs or to provide a shared space for participants who have been attending the one to-one sessions for a while to free space for new clients.

Open Access Public Computers open 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm. There are five public PCs and free Wi-Fi with support from team and volunteers. The computers can be used by anyone in the community but our equalities data evidences that at least 60% of our users are over 55 and live within Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill wards, as well as city wide.

“(…) I had no previous experience of using a digital device or being online. I felt quite anxious before the first visit. I now feel more confident and picking up new things every time I visit.”

Wellbeing & Connection

One of the many positive outcomes of our Digital Inclusion services sprung from the interconnection between the different services and activities that take part at the Community Centre. Digital Inclusion participants also engage in other services available to them, where they were able to apply some of their new skills in practical and fun ways.

“I’ve been coming to the centre for over 10 years and have used the public computers for research and to write my memoirs. During this time I have met new friends and joined in the centre’s activities such as Picnic in the Park and Festive Friends. I like looking at the art on the walls made by the Art Group.”


The digital inclusion here evolves around capturing moments via digital photography and sharing those on social media, via email and phones giving participants skills and experiences worth sharing with their families and friends. Some of those activities also offer multigenerational sessions.

Access & Reach

  • Easy PC one-to-one sessions benefited 117 individuals who on average visited 3 times.
  • Open Access Public Computers recorded 342 people over 55 who responded to our key questions with many visiting repeatedly
  • Our Open Access and Signposting was delivered over 4,200 hours and have seen over 200 new subscriptions. The equalities data confirms that over 60% of those are over 55s.

Participants who answered our evaluation survey, before and after being part of the programme, reported general increase in all of the areas evaluated. These included learning new skills, felling confident using technology and feeling safe using the internet.

“I always come very agitated, embarrassed and frustrated but always leave feeling lighter, having resolved any problems.”

 “It is the highlight of my week, I feel so privileged to be a part of this group. I feel happier, healthier, more confident, more hopeful and more connected to my community.”

Thank you

We would like to thank our funders, St Monica Trust and the Nisbet Trust for supporting Easy PC and our other Digital Inclusion services.

”I feel more confident about getting out and mixing with people again, also coming to terms with the fact that I have retired!”


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