Family & Wellbeing

St Werburghs Food Share
St Werburghs Food Share is a small-scale initiative created in response to the difficulties faced by many people in our neighbourhood. We provide food essentials to local families from donations in the local area. It is about uniting our community and being able to share what’s on our tables. We are very grateful to Burges Salmon who are currently funding the Food Share.
Donations are welcome and can be left at reception in a clearly-labelled box. You can also contribute through our Food Share crowdfund. If you would like to receive support you can sign up by emailing foodbank@stwerburghs.org.uk.

St Werbees Stay & Play
St Werbees Stay & Play is a weekly play session for pre-school children and their grown ups. This volunteer, peer-led local group has been a great support network for those with young children, particularly during the 2020 -2021 pandemic when other services were closed.
St Werbees reflects our commitment to provide community-led spaces that strengthen community cohesion. We are currently seeking funds to continue this service. Please donate here if you are able to support this project.
Sessions take place on Wednesdays from 10 am – 11.45 am. Suggested donation £1 per child. Refreshments, books and toys are on hand for adults and children.

Tai Chi for older people
Tai Chi for Older People facilitated by Dennison Joseph takes place on every Friday at 2 to 3 pm. The group has been running for over a decade and the classes provide a valuable way for individuals to stay connected as well as helping to improve mobility and physical health.
Tai Chi benefits for the elderly are well documented; improvements in balance and physical performance have been recorded. Older People who practice it regularly are able to walk more easily, have more stamina and generally enjoy their lives more.
The participants also benefit from the social aspects of this friendly and welcoming support group. Many of the participants have been involved in other projects, classes and events run by the Community Centre. They are often also happy to carry out a demonstration of their abilities at our Annual Picnic in the Park wellbeing zone.
“I moved to Bristol six years ago. Everyone I met since I met at the Community Centre. It made my world”
It is donation only class, with a suggested donation of £3. All welcome, no previous experience or referral required.

Raking & Baking
Raking & Baking is a free 7 week cooking and gardening course which focuses on inspiring and connecting people to nature and each other. We give participants the tools to grow their own food in small spaces and learn to cook fresh, organic, seasonal food from scratch. This group runs on Thursdays 10am – 3pm.
Though the course is free, participants can contribute an optional donation towards ingredients. We use our very own perimeter garden and catering kitchen, so everything is done on site.
Raking & Baking is currently funded by the John James Bristol Foundation.
If you would like to enrol on the course please email office@stwerburghs.org.uk. Visit our Raking & Baking page to to find out more about the course and discover how our previous participants have benefitted.

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