Celebrating Community and Inclusion: Highlighting the FAB Café for Older LGBT+ People

As Pride Month unfolds, St Werburghs Community Centre is delighted to shine a spotlight on a very special group within our community centre: the Friends Ageing Better (FAB) LGBT+ Café. Established in October 2022 by Friends Ageing Better at Age UK Bristol, the FAB Café has quickly become a beloved gathering spot for older LGBT+ individuals. This initiative provides a welcoming and inclusive space for members of the community to connect, share experiences, and form meaningful friendships.

The concept behind the FAB Café is refreshingly simple: come as you are, grab a cup of tea or coffee, and enjoy engaging conversations. These cafes, spread across the city, emphasise the importance of fostering connections within communities by bridging the gap between older people and local spaces like community centres and cafes. St Werburghs Community Centre is proud to host the FAB LGBT+ Café, recognising the vital role it plays in providing a safe and supportive environment for older LGBT+ individuals.

Mary, a regular participant, captures the essence of the group perfectly: “This group is very friendly, welcoming, and inclusive. I really like it.”

Jenny, another participant, emphasises the importance of visibility and openness: “It’s really welcoming; the conversation is always lively and stimulating. It is not judgmental at all; it feels like a safe and open space to come. I love the fact that it is in an open space such as the community centre café. As a community, we spent too long behind closed doors, especially for the men who were criminalised during their youth. As women, we weren’t even believed to have relationships! The more we are out and about, the more ‘natural’ it should be to see older LGBT+ people within communities.”

Volunteers are also integral to the FAB LGBT+ Café’s success, bringing their passion and dedication to every meeting. Becca, one of the volunteers, reflects on the significance of the café: “Quite often, the LGBTQ+ community is geared around the needs of a much younger age group, so it’s absolutely fantastic that our LGBTQ+ FAB Café exists to provide much-needed social space for older members of the community. It’s a wonderful opportunity for people to come together, share experiences unique to LGBT+, and feel like they are getting the right kind of support. It’s also a wonderful two hours of the week filled with a lot of fun and laughter.”

She also add: “I remember as a young LGBTQ+ person trying to find my way, I really appreciated the help and support from older members of the community, so it means a lot to me to be able to give that support back now in a meaningful way. I’d definitely encourage anyone looking for a nice alternative to the LGBTQ+ scene to join us and enjoy everything the group has to offer.”

Another volunteer, Coralie, adds: “It’s very awesome feeling part of a community. Everyone is very interesting, fascinating, and wise. The topics of conversation range from daily things to quite profound reflections on life.”

Sue Forde, Friends Ageing Better Coordinator at Age UK Bristol, highlights the importance of the café: “As project Coordinator, I visit this FAB Café regularly. It’s been one of the highlights of my job to meet and have such a laugh with this fantastic group. When chatting to the members, it is so apparent how vital it is for them to have an identified space to meet with other like-minded people from the LGBT+ community.”

This Pride Month, we celebrate the diversity, resilience, and spirit of the older LGBT+ community.  The FAB LGBT+ Café takes place every Thursday from 10am to12 pm at the Interim Café within St Werburghs Community Centre. A reserved table awaits the group, facilitated by Age UK Bristol volunteers, ensuring a dedicated space for this vibrant and essential community.


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