Thank you and Goodbye to Neck of the Woods Café

It is with both a heavy heart and a hopeful spirit that we share the news that, after seven wonderful years of serving as a heart for our community, Neck of the Woods Café will be closing its doors at the end of this month. We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to Murilo and his incredible team for their dedication, passion, and tireless efforts in making Neck of the Woods the beloved establishment it has become.

From its humble beginnings to its status as a cornerstone of our community, Neck of the Woods has always been more than just a café. It has been a place where friendships were forged and ideas were exchanged. Murilo and his team have not only served delicious cakes and beverages, but they have also cultivated a space that embodies the very essence of community spirit and ethical values.

As we bid farewell to Neck of the Woods, we also look toward the future with optimism and excitement. While this chapter may be coming to a close, we are committed to ensuring that our community continues to have a welcoming gathering place to call its own. In the coming months, we will be actively consulting with you, the members of our community, as well as the loyal patrons of the café, to explore alternative options and possibilities for the space.

We wish Murilo and the team the best for the future and thank them once again for making Neck of the Woods Café the extraordinary place that it is.


St Werburghs Cafe Consultation

With the closure of Neck of the Woods, we are hopeful that we will be ableto continue to offer a community space that suits the needs of St Werburghs.

To help us make an informed decision, please take a minute to answer this anonymous short survey.


Thank you!

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