Hannah’s Raking & Baking Journey

Our Raking & Baking project has been making a significant impact on the lives of participants for about a decade now. In this occasion; we sat down with Hannah to enjoy the a little bit of the sunshine this merciless Summer has provided us. Her journey with the project shows the transformative power of community, gardening, and cooking.

Hannah first heard about Raking & Baking through social prescribing. Sharing her interests with her healthcare provider led to the suggestion that she might benefit from this unique program. Initially, she was hesitant. New places and unfamiliar faces made her anxious, but a call from Misty, the Raking & Baking Coordinator, changed everything. Misty’s warm introduction and thorough explanation of how the program worked reassured Hannah. Misty took the time to get to know her, making sure the environment would be comfortable and accommodating.

Before the course started, Misty maintained contact, which helped ease Hannah’s anxiety. At that time, Hannah’s mental health was quite poor, in her words, and it took immense courage for her to attend the first session. However, from the moment she arrived, she felt welcomed by both Misty and Jennie, our long-standing Raking & Baking volunteer. Their friendliness and the relaxed atmosphere of the group helped her to feel at ease.

One of the thoughtful touches that made a big difference was being paired with another participant. This helped Hannah, who was initially quite reserved, to relax as the session progressed. The experience was life-changing. As Hannah described it, the difference in her well-being before and after the course was like night and day. She now feels more confident and has improved interpersonal skills, which has enabled her to venture out more independently.

“The food is absolutely delicious,” Hannah shared. “I have made and tried stuff that I wouldn’t normally have. I enjoy cooking but it has given me an opportunity to try new things I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the course.”

The culinary aspect of Raking & Baking has also had a profound impact on Hannah. She has tried and enjoyed dishes she would never have considered before, including vegan recipes. The course has reignited her passion for cooking and provided her with the opportunity to experiment with new foods.

Beyond the kitchen, the personal growth Hannah has experienced is what she values most. “It’s made me branch out so much more,” Hannah said. “When I came, it was the first time at the community centre, which made me anxious. Now I’ve even attended the Open Day in June with my daughter. We had a really fun time. Now I’m always looking at the board to see what else there is to do.”

Hannah’s story shows the profound impact Raking & Baking can have on someone’s life. She encourages anyone considering joining the course to take the leap. For Hannah, the project has been more than just an opportunity to cook and garden; it has been a way to reconnect with fond memories of her mother and her love for gardens.

“My mum died a few years ago,” she reflected. “She loved gardens and growing things. Since doing the course, I can think about that with a nice feeling and reconnect with the good times and her memory in a positive way.”

Hannah’s favourite aspects of the garden are seeing everything grow and come to life, the social interactions, and the herb garden. The sense of community and the opportunity to chat or relax in the garden have been incredibly fulfilling for her. The experience has been so rewarding that she feels everyone should try it.

Through Raking & Baking, Hannah found a supportive community, learned new skills, and gained a renewed sense of self. If you are looking to join a program that nourishes both body and soul, Hannah’s journey with Raking & Baking at St Werburghs Community Centre might just inspire you to take that first step.

Raking & Baking is proudly funded by the John James Foundation and Wesleyan.


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